Saturday, August 31, 2013

Superman Card

I have a quick card share for you today. It’s my nephew’s birthday and I wanted to create a more masculine card. I searched the web for a superman digi and I found the Superhero digi stamp from Kenny K. I used a variety of colored pencils to color him in and Recollections papers for the background. This was the most perfect image for his card. He kinda reminds me of my nephew.
Thanks for stopping by

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wake by Amanda Hocking


Do you ever read a book and you are instantly fascinated by whatever type of characters the book is about. For instance Harry Potter had wizards, Anne Rice wrote about vampires etc, etc. Well I just finished reading Wake by Amanda Hocking. Now I’m fascinated with mermaids.

The book was a little slow at first but it quickly became a page turner. Gemma is on the swim team and loves to take late night swims in the ocean. Which her sister and father don’t approve of. Gemma quickly gets the attention of 3 beautiful strangers in town. They are so eager to have Gemma as their friend but why?  Below is the book trailer to spark your interest. I love how books have trailers. I think it’s the coolest thing ever.


  Well I’m off to read the second book in the series. I’m so hooked!

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